
Here you can find a full list of my stories. Please note: all of my fiction is erotica and contains content inappropriate for anyone under age 18. Reader discretion advised.

Fear of Shallow Living

The Erozine. December 2023. Dark fantasy selkie erotica that spans a lifetime, with a bittersweet tinge. 1,500 words.

The woman was tall and sleek and pale as if made of coral, but with long black tangles of hair threaded with seaweed. He hadn’t noticed her step closer until she was nearly upon him.

This story is free to read online.


TRASHsandwich. December 2023. Dark fantasy shapeshifter erotica set high in the mountains where dangerous beasts stalk among the black trees. 4,800 words.

He stared at her nightdress with something like disdain. Rae gathered the hem in her fingers and tugged it upwards, noticing how he leaned closer to sniff at her. The heat and gentle throb deep inside her grew and expanded throughout her body.

This story is available to read online.

*Pushcart Prize 2024 nominee.

Affinity Entwined

House of Erotica Books. October 2018. Action-fantasy erotica set in a dark and tangled swamp. 4,200 words. Amazon | Scribd | Booktopia.

Get the audiobook version: Affinity Entwined, read by Jasmine Rodgers.

Review the book on Goodreads if you have time.

A strange heat emanated from him that made her want to scrunch her toes and cover her breasts. As if he read her thoughts, he brought one strong tentacle up and gently touched her shoulder.


Circlet Press; Like A Spell Volume 3: Air anthology. March 2018. Magical erotica featuring a modern day witch who tries not to fall in love. 6,770 words. Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble

Review the book on Goodreads if you have time.

“I mean it’s eclectic and a little out of time,” Jack said, straightening and going to her. “Like you.” He twined his fingers through hers, his hands strong and slightly damp.

Short Shorts

(Generally these are flash stories you can read for free on this blog.)

The Core, Erotica Sci-Fi, 178 words. January 2018. They did not notice that the pod was unusually warm, even as they thrust and gasped and moaned together.

Auto-Love, Erotica Sci-Fi, 127 words. December 2015. His strong arms and solid hips rivet her to the wall; at this angle, it feels like he fills every inch of her.

Micro Fiction

(Speculative erotica in 140 characters or less. Written back when X was Twitter and there was a 140 character limit.)

Inhuman Desire. He just can’t resist.

The Trade. What are you willing to become?

After the Crash. He’s never really gone.

Shifters. They’ve known each other such a long time.

Remake. If at first it doesn’t succeed…

A Certain Moment. Would you repeat it over and over?